CABM Diversity Committee (CDC)

group photo of CDC members

Diversity Newsletter Spring 2024

The Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine is committed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA).   

The goal of the CABM Diversity Committee (CDC) is to act as DEIA advocates. Following the lead of University Equity and Inclusion, the CDC seeks to turn ideals into action, making CABM a safe and supportive space. On this site you will find information about all CDC initiatives. These initiatives, while fairly simple, are intended to have a significant impact on the overall culture at CABM, Rutgers and the community at large. 

The CDC consists of 27 members, and includes graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, staff and faculty. Some members have been a part of CABM for over a decade and some have just recently joined. All members have a shared passion for promoting diversity.  


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