Other Groups at CABM

CABM Bioinformatics Program

A number of groups at CABM take a quantitative approach to understanding biology. The CABM Bioinformatics Program aims to support the research and education missions of CABM and RBHS by providing training workshops and consulting services for topics relevant to large scale data analysis (e.g. multi-omics), high performance computing, biostatistics, and best practices in the collaborative development and maintenance of open-source software tools for biological data analysis and model simulation.

Affiliated Staff:

Aaron D. Milstein, PhD, Director of CABM Bioinformatics Program

Anat Kreimer, PhD, Computational Functional Genomics Lab

Mani Subramanian, Scientific Computing Specialist


Rutgers University Microbiome Program (RUMP)

This is fluorescence in situ hybridization of commensal bacteria (red) in the mucus layer of the small intestine (nuclei in blue). The image was taken by a MD/PhD student in Dr. Karen Edelblum's lab, Madeleine Hu.

This is fluorescence in situ hybridization of commensal bacteria (red) in the mucus layer of the small intestine (nuclei in blue). The image was taken by Madeleine Hu, a MD/PhD student in Dr. Karen Edelblum's lab.


Comparative Medicine Resources


computer generated graphic of nuclesome

Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Faculty

Steven J. Brill, PhD

Samuel Bunting, PhD