
B.Sc. Mathematics and Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, 2005
M.Sc. Applied Mathematics, Tel-Aviv University, 2008
Ph.D. Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, 2014
Postdoctoral Fellow, UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco, 2020


Anat Kreimer is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and a Core Member of the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine, with a joint appointment in the Department of Pediatrics at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Kreimer completed her PhD at Columbia University with Dr. Itsik Pe’er, developing statistical models to understand regulatory genetic variation in humans. She then joined the labs of Dr. Nir Yosef at UC Berkeley and Nadav Ahituv at UCSF for a joint postdoctoral appointment, focusing on computational functional genomics. Her main research interests are focused on developing predictive models of transcriptional regulation by integrating large-scale datasets to shed light on regulatory processes that are condition-specific. She aims to leverage such techniques to identify functional variants and mechanisms of action driving disease.

Research Focus

Coupling functional genomics techniques with computational modeling to understand gene regulation in health and disease.

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, RWJMS

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, RWJMS

Administrative Appointments

Director of Transcriptional Sciences at CABM

NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award

2019 Koret-Berkeley-TAU Travel scholarship

Inoue F, Kreimer A, Ashuach T, Ahituv N, Yosef N. Identification and Massively Parallel Characterization of Regulatory Elements Driving Neural Induction. Cell stem cell. 2019;25(5):713-727.e10. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2019.09.010.
Kreimer A, Zeng H, Edwards M, et al. Predicting gene expression in massively parallel reporter assays: A comparative study. Human mutation. 2017;38(9):1240-1250. doi:10.1002/humu.23197.