Brain Wiring Dictates Signaling. But also: Brain Signaling Dictates Wiring

Photo of Rostam Razban standing in front of tree

Rostam Razban, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Stony Brook University

Hybrid: CABM 010 and Zoom

Abstract: The brain is a network of neurons and axons stochastically organized for effective signaling. For optimal function, younger adult brains balance global and local signaling by tuning their average connection strength between regions as fitted from functional MRI scans. Aging shifts the balance towards more local signaling as connections are functionally lost. For optimal structure, new neurons during development wire such that they are integrated into an emergent brain. We find that this constraint results in earlier formed axons becoming wider and longer, supported by diffusion MRI scans from newborns to adults. Structure-function relationships are often only considered in the forward direction, i.e. structure dictates function. In my talk, I will show how the two-way relationship between wiring and signaling results in optimal brain function and structure at different stages of life.