profile photo of Sam Gritz

Sam Gritz, BS

Graduate Research Assistant


B.S. Neuroscience, The George Washington University, 2020


Sam earned his B.S. degree in Neuroscience with a double minor in Bioinformatics and Psychology. As an undergraduate student, he worked in the Hovel-Miner lab at George Washington University to characterize mitochondrion genes that result in Melarsoprol resistance. His lab studied Trypanosoma brucei, a species of parasitic kinetoplastid that cause Africa Sleeping Sickness. Outside of the lab, he also worked with the Psychiatric Institute of Washington DC to study the opioid usage population, hoping to understand the complexities of addiction. Sam is interested in the intersection of computational, theoretical, and systems neuroscience.

Research Focus

Sam is currently using in vitro electrophysiology and computational modeling to study the circuit mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in health and disease.

·      Nashman Prize for Community Based Participatory Research by the George Washington University in 2020.