Profile photo of Mary Lally

Mary Lally, MS

Graduate Student (2022)


BS Biological Sciences, Fordham University, 2020
MS Cell and Molecular Biology, Fordham University, 2021


Mary Lally is a graduate student in the Martin Blaser laboratory and in the Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Program at Rutgers University. Mary earned her BS in 2020 and MS in 2021 from Fordham University. Her thesis focused on the skin microbiome of the eastern red-backed salamander (Plethodon cinereus) and the role of microbial chitinase genes in inhibiting the growth of the deadly chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). Mary’s current research focuses on dissociating the local and systemic effects of antibiotics. By studying the impact of antibiotics locally on the microbiome and systemically on the immune system and gene expression, she hopes her work will propel future studies that mitigate some off-target effects of antibiotic treatments.

Research Focus

Antibiotics, microbiome, health

2022 NIH T32 Biotechnology Training Fellow

2021 Rutgers Excellence Scholarship

2020 Graduated summa cum laude, Fordham University