profile photo of Liisa Veerus

Liisa Veerus, DPhil

Postdoctoral Fellow


BSc in Biology with Research Abroad, Imperial College London, 2016
DPhil in Zoology, University of Oxford, 2021


Liisa Veerus is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Dr. Martin Blaser, working on the associations between microbiome and health. She received a DPhil (equivalent of a PhD) in Zoology from the University of Oxford, studying the reproductive tract microbiota of the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and its potential connection to host evolutionary ecology in the lab of Dr. Tommaso Pizzari. She was awarded a BSc in Biology from Imperial College London, investigating bacterial invasion ecology in the lab of Dr. Thomas Bell, and carried out an exchange year in France during which she examined fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) reproductive behavior in the lab of Dr. Frédéric Mery. Liisa’s research focuses on understanding the interplay between the host and its microbiome, particularly in the context of reproduction, by utilizing both laboratory and computational microbiome research tools. Liisa cares about welfare in academia and making research accessible to all. She engages in science communication and has advocated to increase university admittance rates of historically-underrepresented social groups.

Research Focus

Interdependence between microbiome and health

2016–2019 Receiver of the competitive Oxford-Merton-NaturalMotion Graduate Scholarship

2016 First Class Honours Associate of the Royal College of Science

2012 Golden Medal award for top grades across all high school national curriculum subjects

Rowe M, Veerus L, Trosvik P, Buckling A, Pizzari T. The Reproductive Microbiome: An Emerging Driver of Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, Mating Systems, and Reproductive Isolation. Trends in ecology & evolution. 2020;35(3):220-234. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2019.11.004.
Teseo S, Veerus L, Mery F. Fighting experience affects fruit fly behavior in a mating context. Die Naturwissenschaften. 2016;103(5-6):38. doi:10.1007/s00114-016-1368-x.
Teseo S, Veerus L, Moreno C, Mery F. Sexual harassment induces a temporary fitness cost but does not constrain the acquisition of environmental information in fruit flies. Biology letters. 2016;12(1):20150917. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2015.0917.