Arif was born and raised in Indonesia. He currently is a faculty at the School of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. In 2020, He was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to pursue a PhD degree in the field of Molecular Biosciences by the Indonesian – U.S government. His past research experiences includes molecular studies of transcription factors, clinical pharmacy, and genetic engineering. For his Ph.D. study, his research interest is to investigate the dysregulation of p53-mTOR pathways and HSP-90-associated cellular stress that might contribute to the development of hyperproliferation phenotype in 16p11.2 deletion (16pDEL) individuals.
Research Focus
Fulbright PhD Program Scholarship
Indonesian Pharmacist Association
USAID Research Internship Fellowship (RIF) Collaboration of Rutgers University and Universitas Padjadjaran (2015-2018)