Congrats Xavi Ruiz - ABclonal's Lab Member of the Year Winner

December 3, 2021 • ABclonal Monthly Newsletter

You all voted and submitted so many fantastic testimonies about your fellow lab members throughout November. That being said ABclonal's lab member of the year is Dr. Francesc "Xavi" Ruiz Figueras from Rutgers University!

Here's what his peers had to say about him:

"When research is unpredictable, you're thankful for stable people in your lab. That's Xavi. When the chips are down and the roof is caving, he'll help you realize everything is salvageable and nothing is worth your sanity. Though sometimes it's fun to complain, you can't take life too seriously. He and his advice are always insightful and caring."

Congrats to Dr. Ruiz Figueras!